4,000 SF Lease Signed at 3644 N Rancho Dr


  • Lessor: Four G’s, LLC
  • Lessor Broker:Bryan Houser
  • Lessor Brokerage Firm: Albright Callister & Associates
  • Lessee: BESCO LV
  • Lessee Broker’s: NA
  • Lessee Brokerage Firm:
  • Rancho Gowan Business Park
  • Street Address: 3644 N Rancho Dr Las Vegas, NV 89130
  • Transaction Value: $130,770
  • Length of Lease: 49 months
  • Product Type: Office/warehouse
  • Square feet: 4,000
  • Rental Type: NNN
  • NEW Transaction
  • Note: After a short marketing campaign this property leased to a high quality user and the Landlord provided custom TI work for the tenant to function properly from the space.


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