Over 100 Nevada REALTORS® attending the REALTORS® Legislative Meetings & Trade Expo


More than 100 Nevada REALTORS® are joining about 9,000 of their peers from all over the country this week in Washington, D.C., to promote issues that are important to homeowners and the real estate industry.

At the REALTORS® Legislative Meetings & Trade Expo, held from May 14-19, 120 Nevada REALTORS® board members, staff and other leaders of the statewide association are meeting with members of Congress and federal officials to discuss and promote a wide range of issues, including the historically low housing supply, housing affordability, the National Flood Insurance Program and net neutrality protections to ensure equal internet access to businesses and consumers.

As part of a year-long campaign organized by the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR), Nevada REALTORS® are also participating in events commemorating the 50th anniversary of the signing of the federal Fair Housing Act. Several events during the week focused on the importance of equal opportunity in housing and highlighted the role REALTORS® play in furthering this cause.

“Our day-to-day business is influenced by the decisions made by our policymakers, and what happens on Capitol Hill matters tremendously to the real estate industry, our livelihood, and the existing and future property owners we serve,” NAR President Elizabeth Mendenhall said during the expo. “That’s why so many REALTORS® are here in Washington this week, focusing Congress’ attention on the issues that bear significant weight on our industry.”

NAR is urging Congress to add sexual orientation and gender identity as protected classes to the Fair Housing Act. Such protections are already included in the Code of Ethics all REALTORS® swear to uphold. This code details commitments NAR members make to provide equal professional service regardless of race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status and national origin.

“REALTORS® are proud to lead the way toward greater equality in housing opportunities, and we urge Congress to adopt fair housing protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity,” Mendenhall added.

Nevada REALTORS® President Heidi Kasama, a longtime REALTOR® based in Las Vegas, is among those attending the mid-year NAR meetings, sharing experiences with her peers from around the nation and meeting with members of Nevada’s congressional delegation to discuss such issues.

“It’s an important and rewarding part of our job as association leaders,” Kasama said.
She added that representing Nevada at such national events provides further proof of the “influence and responsibility REALTORS® have as the nation’s largest trade organization.”
About Nevada REALTORS® Nevada REALTORS®, formerly known as the Nevada Association of REALTORS® (NVAR), is a professional trade association with more than 16,000 members committed to protecting, promoting and preserving our communities. Visit www.NVAR.org.


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