Survey: Why Consumers Aren’t Buying Homes

Survey Why Consumers Aren’t Buying HomesConsumers value the importance of homeownership, so what is keeping them from buying today? John Burns Real Estate Consulting recently surveyed 20,000 people of which 75% were current homeowners, 20% were renters, and 3% lived with their parents.
Are current homeowners rethinking homeownership? No.
·         98% of all prospective shoppers prefer ownership over renting for their next home. Only 2% of these prospective shoppers prefer to rent today, despite the fact that 20% of those who took the survey are currently renting.
·         Even among the 2% that shared they wanted to rent for their next move, 68% want to buy a home in the future.
·         The young couple and the family segments are the most likely to exit renting for homeownership.
Are they all waiting to move? Yes and No.
·         32% expect to move in the next year.
·         25% do not know when they will move.
·         BUT 75% said they would move for the right opportunity.
·         Only 24% say they are very satisfied with their current home and have no desire to move.
What are the obstacles to buying a home today?
·         64% of consumers say “yes” or “maybe” to “What obstacles? It’s a great time to buy!”
·         Of the true obstacles, consumers note these as their top three:
o    Bad time to sell
o    Down payment
o    Lack of confidence in the market
·         Interestingly, qualification does not appear to be the major financial obstacle today. Only 23% note qualifying for a home as a potential obstacle.
·         50% still have some lack of confidence in the market.
·         Lack of confidence in the market is most common among the older, more mature buyers; however, the more mature, experienced buyers are also the ones who are most likely to recognize that now is the right time to buy a home.