Calibrate Real Estate Sells 4Plex | 22 days from Listing to Closing


Calibrate Real Estate is pleased to announce the successful sale of 216 North Sheridan Boulevard, a 4-Unit apartment building on the edge of the county line between Denver County and Jefferson County. The property sold for $760,000 or $190,000/unit.

Sam Bretz and Kyle Malnati represented the Seller: an experienced multifamily renovator that purchased the property just one year ago and made a $255,000 profit. The 1031 Exchange Buyer was represented by Kennen Cohen of Your Castle Real Estate Inc. who swiftly secured a replacement property that was newly listed — just 6 days on the market.

“Our client [the Seller] was relocating outside of Colorado. We knew that an efficient sale would require a precise pricing recommendation. We sourced a motivated, all-cash Buyer that closed in just 16 days. In a quickly changing market, impacted by rising interest rates and a volitile stock market, it is vital for brokers to be swift and nimble for their clients.” ~Sam Bretz, Commercial Broker at Calibrate Real Estate.

Sam Bretz and Kyle Malnati co-op’d with Kennen Cohen of Your Castle Real Estate Inc. to secure a Contract to Buy/Sell for an out-of-state Buyer after just 6 days on the market.

The mission of Calibrate Real Estate is: “we exist to help people create generational wealth through real estate.” We believe that is our calling, our responsibility! At the core of our mission, we work with families. The Seller’s family is our most recent example of how we love serving investors at Calibrate Real Estate.



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