Capstone Closed on 1275 Winona Ct


Capstone Companies has closed the sale of 1275 Winona, a 5-unit, 4,158 square foot multifamily property for the sale price of $960,000.  Gunnar Wilson of Capstone represented the Seller, Sean Holamon of Capstone represented the Buyer.

The property consists of 1-3bedroom, 2-2bedroom, and 2-1bedroom units ranging from 650 to 850 square feet.

1275 Winona is conveniently located near Colfax and Sheridan near the Dry Gulch Park. The Buyer was attracted to the area because of the new development in the area and the proximity to the Colfax corridor.

The Seller plans to trade into another multifamily property in an area closer to home. This transaction was part of the Buyers up-leg in a 1031 exchange.

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About Capstone:

The goal of Capstone is to help generate, maintain, and increase the value and profitability of our clients’ multi-housing investment properties. To do so, we provide comprehensive multi-housing advisory services in asset acquisition and development, strategic ownership decisions, market insight and positioning, property value analysis, and disposition brokerage to support our clients in every stage of ownership. This comprehensive multi-housing-focused service offering paired with our relentless drive to win on behalf of our clients is what sets us apart from pedestrian brokerage firms. Capstone simply put: Expertise. Experience. Extra-Mile.


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